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As an energy tonic, maca is used to overcome fatigue and increase mental clarity. There are also claims that maca has benefited people with autoimmune disorders like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

It’s no secret that stress can take a toll on our body, mind, and brain. December is not the month to throw your self-care and mental health priorities out the window.

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How to Detox After Holiday Feasts
If you’re having a hard time committing to your diet over the holidays, you’re not alone. And the good news is you don’t have to be perfect to maintain your weight over the holiday season. Try following these simple detox tips after each scrumptious holiday meal and start the new year fresh and ready to finally achieve your health and fitness goals.

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We share the world with billions of other people and with a multitude of industrialized nations. When you add up all of the manufacturing plants, exhaust pipes and smaller sources of toxins—like cleaning products, cosmetics, prescription drugs, plastic packaging and more—the concept of detoxifying your body has immense merit.
But where do you start? Are you wondering exactly how to detox? Remember, your goal is to create new, healthier eating habits that lighten your toxic load and strengthen your body for better everyday health. These 13 habits will help you do a full body detox and make way for new energy and vitality.
- Avoid Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners. To get the most from your body cleanse, select natural sweeteners like stevia, molasses, maple syrup, honey, etc.
- Beware the Deadly Whites. White flour (and pasta), rice and bread can interfere with proper digestive flow. Try quinoa, Kamut®, spelt, buckwheat or cornmeal.
- Steer Clear of fried foods, red meat other processed foods.
- Try to Avoid Wheat/Gluten, Dairy, Soy Corn. These common food sensitivities can increase gut permeability and allow toxins into the bloodstream, which stalls weight loss.
- Remove Toxic Oils. Stay away from vegetable oil, sunflower oil, canola oil peanut oil. Avoid trans fats or “partially hydrogenated” foods. Instead choose coconut, flaxseed, extra-virgin olive or hemp oil, which contain more beneficial omega fatty acids.
- Pick Quality Protein. Liver detox pathways require protein. Choose grass-fed or wild-caught options where possible.
Fiber it Up! Add some good stuff to your natural detox diet, including:
- whole grains
- fresh, organic, non-starchy veggies like broccoli, cauliflower spinach, and spices such as garlic and turmeric
- fruit (offers antioxidants, fiber water)
- beans and lentils (provides soluble and insoluble fiber)
- seeds and nuts, like almonds, sunflower, flax, chia and walnuts (help with gut health and liver function)
- Water. Skip the soda. Scrap the spirits. Drink plenty of water. Alcohol overworks the liver and can damage this critical organ. Water (preferably filtered and room temperature) helps your kidneys function properly and flush toxins from the body. Add lemon to support digestion, or try sipping green tea to help with cardio and immune support.
- Drink Fresh Veggie Juice. Juicing is a wonderful way to get powerful nutrients and enzymes into your diet. Add some spinach, kale or other deep greens along with ginger, beets, carrots, turmeric other colorful veggies and roots.
- Probiotics. Friendly bacteria can do wonders for your detox diet plan. Get them naturally in foods like kombucha, kefir, miso, natural yogurt, kimchi sauerkraut. Or supplement with a product that contains several strains of friendly flora.
- Slow Down at the Dining Table. Eating quickly usually leads to eating more, which spells bloating and indigestion. Take your time. Savor each bite. You’ll find that you eat smaller portions and feel better, and you may even lose weight!
- Move! Exercise helps you eliminate toxins. Work up a sweat and you’ll improve circulation and burn fat more effectively. Walk, dance, do yoga, just move!
- Get Your Zzzzzs. Adequate rest helps the brain detoxify itself. (See the glymphatic system.) Sleep also helps reduce stress and inflammation, which may help you overcome your toxic burden. Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
Tips for Detox Success
- Try phasing out things like caffeine, sugar and artificial sweeteners in the days before you really start your detox diet. This helps minimize potential nausea and headache.
- Map out your eating plan and you’re more likely to stick with it.
- Cleanse your kitchen/pantry of any foods or drinks that would sabotage your detox decision.
- By day 4 or 5 of your new diet, you should start feeling more energetic and see improved digestion.
- Massage helps release toxins from the muscles and tissues. Follow with plenty of water.
- Don’t get overwhelmed. If you can only adopt 1 or 2 new, healthier habits, be happy with that. Save some for next time.
- People with chronic health issues like diabetes, liver disease, cancer or eating disorders should consult their doctor before making dietary changes.
The Emotional Detox Component
The best way to detoxify is cleansing emotionally as well as physically. Try these tips for a more complete experience.
- Avoid Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners. To get the most from your body cleanse, select natural sweeteners like stevia, molasses, maple syrup, honey, etc.
- Beware the Deadly Whites. White flour (and ), rice and bread can interfere with proper digestive flow. Try quinoa, Kamut®, , buckwheat or .
- Steer Clear of fried foods, red meat other processed foods.
- Try to Avoid Wheat/Gluten, Dairy, Soy Corn. These common food sensitivities can increase gut permeability and allow toxins into the bloodstream, which stalls weight loss.
- Remove Toxic Oils. Stay away from vegetable oil, sunflower oil, canola oil peanut oil. Avoid trans fats or “partially hydrogenated” foods. Instead choose coconut, flaxseed, extra-virgin olive or hemp oil, which contain more beneficial omega fatty acids.
- Pick Quality Protein. Liver detox pathways require protein. Choose grass-fed or wild-caught options where possible.
Fiber it Up! Add some good stuff to your natural detox diet, including:
- whole
- , organic, non-starchy veggies like broccoli, cauliflower spinach, and spices such as garlic and turmeric
- fruit (offers antioxidants, fiber water)
- beans and lentils (provides soluble and insoluble fiber)
- seeds and nuts, like almonds, sunflower, flax, chia and walnuts (help with gut health and liver function)
- Water. Skip the soda. Scrap the spirits. Drink plenty of water. Alcohol overworks the liver and can damage this critical organ. Water (preferably filtered and room temperature) helps your kidneys function properly and flush toxins from the body. Add lemon to support digestion, or try sipping green tea to help with cardio and immune support.
- Drink Fresh Veggie Juice. Juicing is a wonderful way to get powerful nutrients and enzymes into your diet. Add some spinach, kale or other deep greens along with ginger, beets, carrots, turmeric other colorful veggies and roots.
- Probiotics. Friendly bacteria can do wonders diet plan. Get them naturally in foods like kombucha, kefir, miso, natural yogurt, kimchi sauerkraut. Or supplement with a product that contains several strains of friendly flora.
- Slow Down at the Dining Table. Eating quickly usually leads to eating more, which spells bloating and indigestion. Take your time. Savor each bite. You’ll find that you eat smaller portions and feel better, and you may even lose weight!
- Move! Exercise helps you eliminate toxins. Work up a sweat and you’ll improve circulation and burn fat more effectively. Walk, dance, do yoga, just move!
- Get Your Zzzzzs rest helps the brain detoxify itself. (See the system.) Sleep also helps reduce stress and inflammation, which may help you overcome your toxic burden. Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
- Practice deep breathing to quell stress and help release CO2from deep within the cells.
- Listen to uplifting music.
- Take a slow walk or a hot bath.
- Sometimes toxic people add to our health burden. You probably know at least one Negative Ned or Nellie who brings you down. To maximize your healthy detox, keep your distance emotionally.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What Are the Health Benefits of a Body Detox Program?
Weight Loss. Research shows that environmental toxins are tied to obesity. And detoxification helps remove chemicals stored in the fat cells that can impede weight loss. Eliminating bad food choices that promote weight gain and supporting detox for weight loss just makes sense.
Improved Overall Health. People who detoxify their bodies reduce their toxic load and typically experience greater energy and improved well-being.
Reduced Inflammation. Reducing toxins helps lessen inflammation, which may mean healthier joints, reduced swelling and other benefits.
- How Does the Detox Process Work?
Detox begins in the liver. This vital organ converts toxins into unstable metabolites, then it works to excrete these via the kidneys, colon and lungs.
- What Is the Best Detox Drink?
A smoothie with chia seeds or pure juices from colorful fruits and vegetables, including beet, ginger, greens, apple and carrot provides energy and cleansing antioxidants.
- How Long Should I Detox?
Every natural detox plan is slightly different, but many experts recommend a focused program over 2–3 weeks for best results. Many people detox twice a year, for example in the Spring and Fall. But the focus should be on adopting long-term habits that become part of your daily routine as opposed to a short-term period of deprivation.
- Wondering How to Detox Your Liver?
The liver is your body’s main organ for processing and getting rid of detrimental toxins. Take care of it so it can take care of you! Avoid alcohol. Try milk thistle extract with silymarin; it has proven benefits for liver health. N-acetyl-cysteine optimizes glutathione production in the liver (a good thing) and supports liver health.
- How Can I Identify Toxins and Reduce My Exposure?
Using natural cleaners and avoiding processed foods and plastics is a good start. The Environmental Working Groupoffers a great guideline to identifying toxins in your environment.
Detox Your Body with Nature’s Sunshine Products
Support detoxification with quality cleansing and detox supplements from Nature’s Sunshine!
- Purify 2.0 Program—combines the power of , UltraBiomeDTX, Bacillus Coagulans and protein to remove heavy metals, purify and strengthen the gut, support intestinal permeability and boost energy
- Enviro-Detox—helps remove pollutants and toxins while supporting digestion
- Yeast Fungal Detox—features caprylic acid and oregano leaf to support yeast removal
- UltraBiomeDTX—clinically studied for its ability to remove heavy metals; helps purify the gut
- Super Omega-3 EPA and Krill Oil with K2—important omega-3 fatty acids support the body’s natural inflammatory response
- Bowel Detox—contains charcoal, fiber and more to promote waste elimination and support bowel health
- CleanStart®—our most popular body cleanse; features aloe vera, bentonite clay, LBS II® and Enviro-Detox for powerful cleansing support
- Detox Basics—a 30-day, natural detox program with NAC, milk thistle and Bacillus Coagulans to support liver cleansing and gut health
- Probiotic Eleven—11 strains of beneficial flora in a convenient capsule
- https://www.health.com/weight-loss/how-to-detox
- https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-12713/10-easy-ways-to-detox-your-body-today.html
- https://maxliving.com/healthy-articles/natural-body-cleanse
- https://www.verywellfit.com/the-one-week-detox-diet-88250