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The living anti-aging fossil

The living anti-aging fossil

Modern research found that a standardized extract of the leaf could be used to help the brain and circulation.

The Medicinal Value of Vanilla

The Medicinal Value of Vanilla

The rich flavor of vanilla isn't just for sweet treats; it's also a valuable herbal remedy. Read the article about it below or at

Alfalfa: The King of Herbs

Alfalfa: The King of Herbs

Alfalfa is an alkalizing agent, which means it helps to neutralize acid waste and inflammation. while aiding kidney function.

The Wild Side of Lettuce

The Wild Side of Lettuce

In the 1800s, wild lettuce was considered a substitute for opium and was sometimes called poor man’s opium. Today, wild lettuce can still serve as a readily available remedy for pain.

First Aid Kit in a Plant

First Aid Kit in a Plant

There is one plant you ought to know how to identify and use because you won’t find a better plant for minor injuries, snake and insect bites, and bee stings.

Beauty and Benefits of Chicory

Beauty and Benefits of Chicory

The root is also the part that is typically used medicinally. Its uses are similar to those of dandelion root. Both dandelion and chicory are used as alteratives, also known as blood purifiers. 

The Mighty Oak

The Mighty Oak

I understood that the varicose veins, hemorrhoids, bleeding gums, and the other conditions oak bark was useful for, but were not really different health problems. They were the same problem affecting different parts of the body. 

Garlic: Nature's Penicillin

Garlic: Nature's Penicillin

Garlic is a natural antibiotic and I’ve regularly used it in place of antibiotics for numerous conditions.

Heart Health and Beyond

Heart Health and Beyond

Historically, hawthorn has been used to both prevent and treat many cardiovascular disorders, either by itself or in combination with other herbs.

Energy, Fertility, and Drive

Energy, Fertility, and Drive

As an energy tonic, maca is used to overcome fatigue and increase mental clarity. There are also claims that maca has benefited people with autoimmune disorders like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

CoQ10: Helps Your Heart Health

Alternative Medicine

Article by Nature's Sunshine
Clinical studies have well established CoQ10 as a first-line antioxidant in our defense system against oxidative stress. Oxidative stress happens to our cells over time as free radicals roam our cells to steal electrons, deplenishing cell health. Antioxidants, whether naturally produced within our bodies or added to our diets, fight free radicals to maintain cell health.

Do You Have Scurvy?

Alternative Medicine

Article by Nature's Sunshine
Ascorbic acid literally means “anti-scurvy” in Latin. You remember scurvy, the killer of ancient sailors and pirates alike? Yeah, it’s still around, but it’s incredibly easy to treat with foods high in vitamin C.