Slippery when wet means things might slide. Bad for driving, but great for your gut! Soothe your digestive tract and help maintain normal elimination with Slippery Elm. This tree’s bark contains mucilage, a long chain of sugars that becomes slippery—and very soothing to irritated tissues—when wet. Our non-GMO slippery elm bark is carefully collected only from mature trees. Read the 11 Amazing Benefits of Slippery Elm: https://www.organicfacts.net/slippery-elm
- Traditionally supports the intestinal system
- Soothes mucous membranes of the digestive tract
- Sustainably wild-crafted in the Appalachians
How It Works

How It Works
We get our slippery elm material from an experienced network of harvesters in the Southern Appalachians. These skilled botanists excel at obtaining high-quality material. They collect in the spring while sap is running, which allows for easier rossing or separating the inner bark from the hard wood. Collectors look for trees that are at least 15 years old (usually closer to 30) and use only sustainable wild-crafting methods. Our slippery elm bark is non-GMO certified. The elm family includes red, grey or soft elm. They grow commonly in the moist climates of New England and the Great Lakes region of the US and in Canada. Elm trees can be 50 feet tall and live as long as 200 years! Their bark has deep grooves. The inner bark is dried and powdered and may be taken as a tea, extract, capsule or a powder mixed into liquid. According to lore, General George Washington’s troops survived for many days on a gruel of slippery elm during the harsh winter of 1777-78 at Valley Forge, Pa. The red elm tree was used by many Native American tribes for building materials, and for making ropes and cords. The Iroquois scraped the bark off and used it topically. The Dakota and other tribes boiled the fresh inner bark and drank it as a natural laxative. When mixed with water, the inner bark creates a lubricating gel that coats and soothes internal and external tissues. Natives shared their discoveries with settlers who adopted the tree and its amazing health benefits.

What's Inside
Active Ingredients
Slippery elm inner barkHow to Use

How to Use
Take 2 capsules with a meal twice daily.