Keep cool, sister, with Flash-Ease. This potent, time-release blend includes black cohosh and dong quai, two herbs noted for their ability to support the female glandular system. - Provides powerful glandular system support for women
- With naturally occurring phytoestrogens
- Features extract of wild-crafted, sustainably harvested black cohosh roots
- 80 mg of black cohosh per tablet
How It Works

How It Works
This potent, time-release blend includes black cohosh and dong quai, two herbs noted for their ability to support the female glandular system. And time-release technology means you get ongoing support all day and all night. With non-GMO verified ingredients. When challenges arise in a menopausal moment, stay cool! Many reasons. One is that our black cohosh is wild–crafted in the woodlands of the southeastern US. Experienced collectors harvest in the fall, leaving at least 50% of the plants intact to ensure a reliable future harvest. For more than 20 years, we have worked with the same reputable partner to get premium quality black cohosh root.
This relationship includes a personal visit to their production facility just a few years ago. Our black cohosh is certified organic, non-GMO, Kosher and Halal.
Nature’s Sunshine introduced Flash-Ease more than 20 years ago, and this product has been a go-to for mature women ever since. Its time-release tablet helps ensure 12 hours of support whether day or night. Also known as female ginseng, dong quai grows in the cool mountains climes of Asia, most notably in China, Japan and Korea.
This relative of celery, carrots and parsley has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years specifically for PMS and sexual health. Though Asia is its home turf, dong quai has been popular in Ayurveda, and it was also used by Native Americans. Black cohosh has been used by the Chinese for thousands of years.
Traditional Chinese Medicine reveres this botanical for general health. Native Americans used black cohosh and shared its benefits with colonists who adopted its use and made it popular in Europe for women’s health concerns. Black cohosh was widely used by Americans in the 1800s for joint health.

What's Inside
Active Ingredients
Dong quai root and black cohosh root and rhizome extract
How to Use

How to Use
Take 1 tablet in the morning and 1 at bedtime.